
H force staffing
H force staffing

Sue is co-author of the book Confronting Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer, which was published by Johns Hopkins Press, February 2012. In 2004, Sue relocated her husband Dan, son Beau, and FORCE headquarters to Tampa to work more closely with researchers to improve medical options, care, and outcomes for people affected by hereditary cancer. Since then, the organization has become an unequaled source of research, advocacy, support, and information regarding risk management, prevention, and awareness. After five years as the organization's executive director (while maintaining her own busy practice), Sue left veterinary medicine to direct FORCE full-time. She founded FORCE in 1999 to fill the information void for individuals and families with hereditary cancer and to help them advocate for themselves. Shocked that her health care team didn't alert her to the possibility of being at high risk, and disappointed at having to make critical treatment decisions while unaware of her mutation, Sue acted so others could benefit from her misfortune. She pursued genetic counseling and, in 1997, tested positive for a BRCA2 mutation.

h force staffing

Reading an article about hereditary breast cancer after completing her treatment, Sue realized that she had several indications for a mutation. At the time, she was unaware of familial risk factors for hereditary cancer. Sue Friedman was practicing small animal medicine in south Florida in 1996 when she was diagnosed "out of the blue" at age 33 with breast cancer. Sue Friedman, Executive Director, Founderĭr. A former Microsoft Corporation executive, Barbara brings more than 25 years of business experience to FORCE's operations.īarbara and her husband Alan reside in Staten Island, NY. In 2012 Barbara assumed the full-time role of Chief Executive Officer, leading a growing staff as they carry out the strategic plans and policies of FORCE. Under her leadership, the volunteer operations of the organization grew to 75 groups nationwide. Barbara's volunteer work with FORCE began the following year and continued to expand.

h force staffing

Our clients: Samsung, AkzoNobel Decor, Evrazia Logistic, Teva, Servier, X5 Retail Group, М-Video, Artex Technology, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Korus Consulting, IBS, Severstal, OMK, TNK-BP, Bashneft, Gazpromneft, IBM, KROK, Invento, Rosneft.Barbara Pfeiffer, Chief Executive Officerīarbara discovered her BRCA1 mutation in 2003 after her mother had been battling breast cancer for over 12 years. We take the responsibility on communication with controlling organizations, labor safety issues and other certified services. ĝecrease the level of responsibility and risks mitigation concerning the compensation for fired employees Ĝoncentration on key business competencies dispatching non-core functions such as staffing, outsourcing and HR function to professionals Urgent personnel replacement during the illness, vacation, training periods Ěttracting additional manpower in time in case of urgent circumstances, seasonal demand fluctuations or special projects Several reasons to attract our project teams: We conduct expertise for implementation of business transformation projects in energy sector, banking, retail and telecommunication. TEAM FORCE keeps and develops large database of individual experts and completed multi industry project teams ready to serve and help you any moment. Don’t hesitate to call us if you need just one specialist – a team of one is still a team! The project teams we provide include experts and qualified specialists which we take from the market on temporary base for your project needs. Temporary project teams - this is a modern approach to achieve project goals.

h force staffing h force staffing

High technologies provide access to our general knowledge base, wide range of consulting services and practical solutions. Our clients and partners can get access to a universal portfolio of HR services regardless of location. TEAM FORCE services include out staffing, outsourcing and recruitment. We provide HR solutions primarily for IT staffing using the industry best practices and technologies. TEAM FORCE is an innovative synergy of traditional and modern technologies in HR services.

H force staffing